Sunday, February 04, 2007

Why I love Dubai (II)...

Taxi drivers. How often have you read the letters in GN or 7Days from a bewildered but delighted passenger, who left a purse/bag/wallet/bottle of coke on the back seat of said taxi, and found it returned to them by an honest and selfless driver, sometimes even before they had noticed the loss?

Which is all well and good, until it happened to me. Managed to leave some rather expensive and important items in the boot of a late night taxi home, and forgot to remove them at our destination. Woke up thick-headed, and notice the gap where these things should be, and with a mounting sense of panic set about their recovery. After drawing frustrating Friday blanks all day (We have system. There's nothing we can do, call back tomorrow"), salvation came in the form of a note written by a neighbour. My driver had come back to my house only to find me out, had located a neighbour who spoke Pakistani and wrote English, and left me a number to call. I despair that, in the UK, I doubt any of this would have happened, and the last I would have seen of the case would be its description on an insurance claim.

But not. Step forward Khamizah Khan, driver of Arabian Taxi AT361, scion of the community, knight of the road, testament to the honesty and integrity of your family and the calibre of man to restore one's faith in humankind. You, sir, deserve all the praise, thanks and commendation it is possible to bestow.

Shokran gazillan, Khan, ma as salamah.


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