Monday, May 07, 2007

None so blind... those that won't see. The ever-reliable RTA are insisting that their misguided minimum speed limit will go ahead anyway, and have started wheeling out spurious statistics to attempt to justify their actions. One such was the inistance that trucks would have to observe the 60kph minimum - and it just ain't going to happen. The two-lane rolling truck park that is Al Khail Road is often at a standstill, and rarely proceeds above walking pace. What are they going to do - book every single lorry between Sharjah and Jebel Ali? The new rule is both ineffective and unenforceable, and so will be ignored by all those who drive without consideration for others anyway.

What is desperately needed is not a minimum speed limit, but education. A general principle, that slow-moving cars (and mini-buses, pick-ups, filigree trucks and Nissan Sunnies with phone-distracted drivers) should move to the right-most clear lane, not trundle along as a mobile obstruciton in blissful ignorance of the chaos around them. It's a simple enough concept - if there is a clear lane to your right, you should be in it. Always. That way, the lanes to the left become progressively more clear, and suitable for faster traffic. Speed differentials are relatively small between adjacent lanes, leading to easy movement between them (remembering to indicate, of course). Slow traffic shares road space with slow, fast with fast. And everybody gets along just fine. Imposing, and attempting to police, a minimum speed limit isn't the answer. Wake up, RTA.


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